Warburn Stud
For length, growth rate, and fertility
Supreme breeding quality since 1961
Warburn White Suffolks
The White Suffolk is an Australian breed developed especially for Australian conditions. The Australian White Suffolk Association was founded in September 1985 and in the short space of time since, the breed has proved itself as an ideal prime lamb terminal sire in wide-ranging areas and environments of Australia. It continues to produce outstanding results in drier agricultural areas, the higher rainfall districts and has also shown to be extremely well suited to the more arid pastoral zones.
Their success has been reflected in many ways, not the least of which has been the incredibly high strike rate of White Suffolk cross lambs in the prime lamb carcase competitions in the 1990's, scoring wins in all categories and weights.

Characteristics of White Suffolk's:
Noted for their fertility and libido.
Can be mated at any time of the year.
Clean, smooth shouldered.
Open faces and clean legs.
White downs type wool eliminates contamination.
Produce fast maturing lambs for the domestic trade & can be taken through to the heavier export weights.
Ideal for lamb market producing high yielding and lean carcases.
Warburn White Suffolk's
Our interest in the White Suffolk's began in the mid eighties, after reading and seeing research trials carried out by Prof. Evan Roberts at Hay University and Field Station. Prof. Roberts's trials crossed the Suffolk to the Poll Dorset in the endeavour to maintain the good characteristics of the Suffolk (which have always been regarded as a fast grower, with a lean carcase) but eliminate the black features through breeding.
In 1988 we decided to pursue our own breeding program with the introduction of an Allendale Suffolk stud ram and our own Poll Dorset ewes, beginning our Warburn White Suffolk's.
A few years later we became very interested in the superior genetics of the American Suffolk. Seeing the great potential that the breed could have on our own stud we purchased a share in one of the American blood infused Suffolk rams.
This American blood line has made a great influence on our stud, giving us a much taller, longer, and more active sheep. This significant impact can still be seen in our White Suffolk stud today. We have been concentrating on increasing the muscling of our sheep without the use of any other breed. The reason for this is we didn't want to loose the characteristics and vigor of the Suffolk.
Since 1993 Artificial Insemination (AI) played an important part enabling us to select superior sires such as Detpa Grove 343.01 Champion Ram at three Major shows; Hamilton, Adelaide & Melbourne. Aylesbury Farm 10.04 Reserve Champion Adelaide. Nalvin Park 6.05 Champion Ram Perth Royal. Wingamin 3226.05 Champion Ram Australian sheep & wool show Bendigo. Anden 7.07 senior Champion Adelaide selling for $28,000 and many more Major Show Champions and leading Lambplan Sires from around Australia.
We have been having excellent results with our White Suffolk's such as Warburn 20.02, which has an eye muscle figure of 2.8 and Warburn 186.02 with an eye muscle of 2.1, and several other rams following close behind. Our aim has always been: "to produce big framed rams with high growth rate, low fat and large eye muscle."
In 2006 we entered at the National White Suffolk Conference at Dookie and won Champion Ewe. In the past few years we have continued to enter at Canberra Royal, Dubbo show & The Australian Sheep & Wool Show Bendigo.
In 2010 we achieved our biggest show winning by taking out Supreme Champion at the Australian sheep & Wool Show Bendigo. We have also taken out most Successful Exhibitor at Canberra both times we have entered, also winning champion Ewe.
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