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Warburn Stud was founded in 1961, beginning with a small flock of Dorset Horns. Then in 1968 with the purchase of 5 Poll Dorset “Broughton” ewes, together with a number of Warburn Dorset Horn ewes, Warburn Poll Dorset Stud began. A further purchase of 17 ewes and a Poll Dorset Ram “Broughton” 126.68, was made a year later, with the full transfer of Warburn Dorset Horn stud ewes four years later.


In 1980 the meat testing services commenced in the area, seeing the advantages, the Dissegna family became one of the first to be involved in the program. The use of Lambplan data, frame scoring and top genetics has enabled  the stud to present to their clients ewes and rams that are high performing, well muscled, large framed, fast growing and structurally correct for ease of lambing.


In 1988 marked the entry of the White Suffolk breed to our stud, with the introduction of Allendale 1665.87, a Suffolk ram to 100 Warburn Poll Dorset ewes. Later at Elouera dispersal Warburn Stud purchased Eleara 526.88 and in 1991 at the Foundation Breeder's sale in SA came the purchase of Aylesbury Farm 41.89 and Galaxy Park 461.90.


Also in 1988 marked the purchase of Beredale Poll Dorset Stud and the purchase of Karrawina 460.87, a Highly Commended Melbourne Show Ram entry, becoming the first New Zealand blood ram to be use in our Stud. This followed by another N.Z. purchase in 1993, of Deepdene 175.92. In partnership with J. Prentice "Kurralea". This saw the new generation Poll Dorset, longer and taller. Several other influential rams used are Kurralea 110.93, winner of the Balmoral Trophy 1994, Melbourne Royal Meat Elite 411.93 top Lambplan ram for many years and Kurralea 482.96, who's top seven sons averaged $6,300 at their annual sale.


In 1991, after several visits to Kirra Quarantine Station and seeing the superior American Suffolk's, came the purchase, in February 1992, of a share in one of the top Rams APS 18921.90, therefore becoming the first stud to use these superior genetics in NSW. This introduced a larger frame sheep. Other rams that has influenced our Stud have been several Langley Height rams, which bred true Suffolk type.


Since 1993 Artificial Insemination (AI) plays an important part enabling us to select  superior sires; such as Detpa Grove 343.01 Champion Ram at three Major shows; Hamilton, Adelaide & Melbourne. Nalvin Park 6.05 Champion Ram Perth, Anden 7.07 senior Champion Adelaide making $28,500, and many more Major Show Champions and leading Lambplan rams from around Australia have been used. Using AI is the only way to use leading Genetics from other top studs to provide top breeding ewes and rams.


On February 2nd, 1996, after the sale of his property, saw the arrival of 300 Renrut White Suffolk ewes & 6 top stud rams, owned by Ian & Wendy Turner, Flock No 3, a foundation Stud. Top sire 940.90 “Silver" led the National Sire Progeny Test Scheme over the first 3 years over all breeds. He weighed in at 140 kgs at 16 months, he has proven to have been one of the most important influential sires in the breed. Leahcim 58.91, an outstanding sire was first over 1 ½ years at the 1993 Adelaide Royal Show. His performance results in the National Sire Progeny Test Scheme were exceptional and with Lambplan Across Flock Index of 160.49. The top White Suffolk sire from the USA Import program APS 1889.90, APS 15.93 & Leahcim 127.94 "Meatman" Champion White Suffolk Ram at the 1995 Adelaide Royal and Supreme Champion all Breeds Melbourne Royal. Warburn Stud has been enriched by the use of these top sires. (Renrut Stud was dispersed in November, 1998.) 


In December 1997 Warburn stud achieve Ovine Johne's MN1 status. This brought about the decision to have in October of 1998, our first on property ram sale.


In  November, 1999  saw the introduction of an other exciting  new breed to our Stud ,the South African Meat Merino (Prime SAMM), with the purchase of “Wyvern”  252.96  “Bob”  Grand Champion at the  Western Australian RAS in 1997, and  also in 1998  winner of the Grand  Champion for the 1 1/2 yrs & over. Trials so far are showing good results in growth rates, leanness and eye muscle. In July 2000, we purchased Cullam 806.99 Reserve Champion at the Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show. Then in April 2002, eleven Esperance Prime SAMM ewes in lamb were purchased to further continue our breeding program.  


In 2004 Warburn exhibited at major shows for the first time after 20yrs. In July of that year, at the Australian Sheep & wool show Bendigo we achieved Reserve Champion SAMM ram. In 2006 we entered at the National White Suffolk conference at Dookie and won Champion Ewe. Also that year we entered SAMM’s at Dubbo Show taking out Reserve Champion Ram and Junior Champion Ewe, then going off winning Reserve Champion ewe at Bendigo a few months later. In the past few years we also continued to win Champions at local shows such as Narrandera and Deniliquin.


 In 2010 we achieved our biggest show win by taking out Supreme Champion  with close to 200 other White Suffolk sheep entries at the Australian Sheep & Wool Show Bendigo. In 2011 we entered the Royal Canberra Show where we took out the Champion Ewe, along with winning most successful Exhibitor.


2016 warburn saw our first overseas sale with fifty Samm ram & ewes to China. Then in our 2017 sale saw a syndicate of SA and Montana (USA)stud purchasing a white Suffolk ram for $16,000. Warburn also selling the top price white Suffolk ram for 2017 and breaking an NSW on property sale record for a white Suffolk, sell for $21,000. 



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